Thursday, October 20, 2016

Home Foundations Shift in Extreme Heat

Most people think that the cold weather is the worst cause of foundation issues. Did you know the extreme temperatures of the heat can cause a lot of issues too? Beware. The heat wave of 2011, in Texas, caused home foundations to shift causing a lot of damage to homes throughout the T-state. The first signs of it were the cracks in their foundation, drywall, and on the exterior bricks of their home. Later, it moved to cracks in the tile on the walls and the tile flooring boasting speed bumps in the middle of the floor.

 Not fun!

Home foundations need to be inspected during this dry, hot season. However, before calling for an inspection, or even just a consultation, be on the lookout for interior doors that stick, cracks on the inside walls of the home, and gaps beside the windows. It is said that any issues with the foundations can lead to problems with the plumbing and roofing as well. It is best to be on alert as these issues can cost hundreds and thousands of dollars to repair. If they can be avoided it is the best.

Home foundations in Kansas City, are being seduced this year by the hot summer heat. Keep a lookout for the things described above that show signs of stress on your foundation or a shift in gravity and location. If there are issue with home foundations in Kansas City, we want to be available to answer any questions and get your foundation evaluated right away. If there is any question that your foundation is suffering from heat, then we want to get out to your home and get it evaluated. Remember, waiting causes more issues that can rack up a much larger expense.
For home foundations in Kansas City, we are your crew. We make local our focal point.

Check us out at

Thursday, October 13, 2016

How do you avoid a damp basement?

Avoiding a damp basement is the key to saving money. We all would rather buy Christmas gifts for our kids, rather than fork out $5,000-$10,000 on fixing our home foundation. Though it will have to be done at some point as a house ages, it is good to prolong that venture so that you can set money aside for that event and enjoy some down time. Do I have an Amen? Yes and Amen!
So, if avoiding a damp basement is the key to protecting our basement and foundation against rot, then what steps do we need to follow to avoid it? Great question, I thought you’d never ask!
  1. Use a humidifier in your basement during humid seasons to keep your space dry and protect against condensation that can build up on concrete walls.
  2. Inspect your clothes dryer vent and ventilation fans located in the kitchen and bathrooms to make sure they lead airflow directly to the outside of your home.
  3. Speak to or consult with your heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system contractor to make sure your system is equipped and properly sized to remove humidity from your basement.
  4. Open the door to your basement at least once a month and run an oscillating fan in the basement for between 1 and 2 hours to promote air circulation.
  5. Place materials such as clothing, furniture, books, and paperwork in areas away from the basement walls or remove them from the basement completely to prevent increased humidity levels and mold growth.
  6. Inspect your basement regularly for water leaks.
  7. Hire or consult with a building contractor or plumber immediately to repair the foundation in your home or leaks that originate from other rooms of your house, such as the kitchen or bathroom.
  8. Clean your rain gutters and downspout runoffs on a regular basis to prevent flooding and standing water in your basement.
  9. Examine the outside perimeter of your house to make sure the ground slopes down and away from your foundation, which will prevent basement leaks and flooding.
  10. Check your sump pump regularly if you have one to make sure it works properly and is not causing your basement to flood.
  11. Hire a contractor who specializes in mold removal and water damage repairs if leaks have already caused mold growth in certain areas in your basement.
We are a Company, local to Kansas City, and we love to serve our community through educating them on how to avoid foundation issues with them home and what to watch for. We also take great pride in our work and would like to service our local community to keep them safe and dry. If there are any homes that have foundation cracks in Kansas City, please reach out to us and let us take a look at your foundation and give you a free estimate on what it will take to make repairs. Again, we are locals and we repair foundation cracks in Kansas City. So, if you have a home with foundation cracks in Kansas City, check us out online at and give us a call!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

We all Fall Down

We all know that without a good foundation, a house will not stand the test of time. In fact, it could begin to crack inside and out, both in the foundation, walls, and ceiling. It could go so far as to eventually have the house cave in. A good foundation also very much depends on the type of soil that it is built upon and how well it can withstand the weather. A good example of this is the foolish man, in the Bible, who built his house upon the sand. The rain came down and the house came down as well. It has to be built upon the rock made of good soil.

How can we make sure that we have a good foundation? First, you need to educate yourself on what makes a good foundation and then interview a few companies to see who knows their stuff.
Kansas City home foundation issues can be determined and repaired by CPS Foundation Repair Company out of Overland Park, Ks. As a Company, we’d like to first share with you what we look for in building a good foundation and how we can apply our knowledge to make sure your home is set firm and unshakeable. If the original process isn’t done correctly, then it would have to be followed up by repairs.

Here are some tips we’ve put together for you of how to, from the beginning, make sure you are building a good foundation:
1. As mentioned above, soil is very important. In fact, it holds great importance. If your soil is not strong or able to hold weight, then there can be serious issues arise.
2. Next, you need to have your land surveyed. This way you know exactly where are the corners of your foundation will lie and how far out it can be positioned.
3. You will then have an excavation contractor start digging up the spot where the foundation will be laid.
4. Install the footings. Footings are created either by pouring concrete directly into the trenches in the ground or into the wooden forms.
5. Next, you need a high quality sealer to seal the footings and protect them from moisture. Seek advice on this from experienced home builders.
6. Once the concrete has cured, use concrete block to create the stem walls if you’re building a basement. Usually your masons will start with your block wall in the corner of the foundation. They do this with what are called “leads,” which give masons two endpoints from which to string a line — allowing them to build a plumb and level wall between the two points. The result is a straight and level wall that’s crucial to keeping all of the basement walls consistent.
7. Last, but not least, treat your foundation walls with another coat of sealant to keep the moisture out.

If you already own a finished home and you are beginning to see signs of needing foundation repairs, let us come out and take a look. We can give you a free estimate while providing you with the best service possible. We are experts at Kansas City home foundation issues and we want to make your Kansas City home foundation issues non-existent.

Check us out online at  and give us a call, today!

Thursday, October 6, 2016


Repairing a foundation can be a costly job, but the better educated you are about types of foundations and how best to repair your foundation, the better you can work with your contractor to find a solution you can afford.
With major foundation repairs involving hydraulic piers costing $10,000 or more, and minor cracks costing as low as $500, most homeowners will pay around $3,822 to repair foundation issues.
Here are a few things that can influence the cost of a foundation repair:
  1. Soil
Foundations that have been built on expansive clay, compressible or improperly compacted fill soils, or have been poorly maintained can have serious damages as the foundation settles and moves. If you see foundation issues and don’t repair it right away it can quickly lead to irreparable damage and structural damages that are unsafe. Most of us never suspect soil could cause an issue, but the type of soil around and beneath your home definitely can have a great affect. It can greatly affect the price for foundation repairs.
  1. Report
The price for foundation repairs depends on the issue that needs to be repaired. Thankfully, now days we can fix the foundation without having to take it all apart and redo it. The best way to know exactly what the real issue is would be to contact a structural engineer and ask them to obtain a report on what needs to be repaired. They will give you an unbiased report that is factual instead of a repairman trying to sell you something that may not benefit you.
  1. Repairs
The price for foundation repairs depends on what types of repairs are needed. There are different types of repair work that can be done from piering and slabjacking to waterproofing. What you pay depends on what you get done.
Be aware of the issues, be aware of the prices, and mostly, be aware of the cost of not fixing a foundation problem. We feel to be educated in these issues is very important for home ownership or purchasing a home. Check us out at We know foundations.